Spirit of the wind

In dem Lied werden die Geister des Windes, des Meeres, des Sturms, des Regens, der Sonne, des Himmels, des Flusses und der Erde besungen. Die Begleitung durch einfache gerade Gitarren-, Bass- und Shakerklänge lässt indianisches Feeling spürbar werden.

Spirit of the wind carry me,
spirit of the wind carry me home,
Spirit of the wind carry me home to myself.

1. Spirit of the ocean, depth of the emotions.
Spirit of the sea, set my soul free.

2. Spirit of the storm, help me be reborn.
Spirit of the rain, wash away my pain.

3. Spirit of the sun, warm light healing me.
Spirit of the sky, spread my wings and fly.

4. Spirit of the earth, help me with my birth.
Spirit of the land, hold me in your hand.

5. Spirit of the river, blessed forgiver.
Spirit of the shore, show me more and more.


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